Legendary Leadership

We tend to revere legends as almost mystical heroes who do grand gestures highly visible to everyone. We even say that’s the “stuff of legends.” We think of legends as the leaders we read about in history books or someone who has gained fame and notoriety for a societal altering act. I believe we getContinue reading "Legendary Leadership"

Venti Your Voice

From LeaderSips podcast Episode #48 in August 2021 I recently had a conversation with someone about when it comes to how we prefer to be communicated to - this person tried to argue that how we prefer to communicate or communication is different at work vs. personal life. I totally disagree. That’s unnatural. We’ve beenContinue reading "Venti Your Voice"

It’s OK to Celebrate

Do you stop rooting for your favorite sports team just because they’re losing? Of course not. I am grateful for our country, the great experiment, the freedoms we have compared to so many other countries. The independence fought for over and over again. One nation under God, where immigrants flocked to including my great-grandfathers forContinue reading "It’s OK to Celebrate"

Feelings, Nothing More than Feelings

Why are we so forgiving of others, ready to show others high empathy, yet don’t give ourselves the same respect? On one hand, we judge others by their behavior and judges ourselves by our intentions. Yet, on the other hand, we flog ourselves for skipping a workout, not eating right, yelling at our kids, feelingContinue reading "Feelings, Nothing More than Feelings"

You Can’t Make Me

One of my cats darted around a corner when I was holding a cup of coffee and he MADE me drop my favorite mug. My husband MADE me miss my exit on the freeway because he was distracting me about something else. My co-worker didn’t like my idea in a meeting. They MADE me feelContinue reading "You Can’t Make Me"


Everywhere you look on media there seems to be an article about the great resignation, the Tsunami Turnover, and people changing jobs left and right on LinkedIn. Is this good or bad? All sorts of people have opinions on why this is happening, much of it to do with the COVID crisis. Many people realizedContinue reading "ReTension"


I believe the number one downfall of leaders is insecurity. Think about a poor leader you’ve had or have. I bet most of their bad traits stem from their own insecurities. Change my mind! I’ve had several insecure leaders, but one in particular took the cake when it came to insecurity. I watched this personContinue reading "Don’t"

Wholly Self Batman, How do we find Common Ground?

Ever have coffee that smells way better than it tastes? Ugh, that’s the worst. Such a disappointment. I think that same thing can happen when we hear good ideas in theory, but it falls apart in practice. It smelled like a good idea, but left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth... There’s a popular movementContinue reading "Wholly Self Batman, How do we find Common Ground?"

Where’s Your Worth

I’m a little late to this one, but I only recently watched Leah Remini’s docuseries, Scientology and the Aftermath on Netflix. Watching these families, and listening to their stories of how blind loyalty to a belief system tore them apart, is just heartbreaking, and frankly mind boggling. It was so easy to sit back andContinue reading "Where’s Your Worth"